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  • address2-7-9 Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • tel03-3256-6644
  • business_hour6:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 
    3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
  • access2 minute walk from the JR Kanda Station‘s West Exit
Shop Holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Language (Other than Japanese) English
Homepage Adress

Inheriting old-fashioned handmade tofu!! A long-established shop that has been in business for 120 years in Kanda, Tokyo and still continues its fifth generation, "Shinozaki Tofu Shop"


"Shinozaki Tofu Shop" is a long-established tofu shop that has been in Kanda, Tokyo for over 120 years. Tofu, what is made from soybeans, and it is getting attention from all over the world because it is rich in nutrients, low in calories, and good for health. Shinozaki Tofu Shop makes such tofu with great care using the same manufacturing method as when it was founded. Since you can eat every-day-made fresh tofu, there are many fans and it may be sold out by noon.
It is easy to digest, so it is recommended for growing children and the elderly. It’s also ideal for beauty and diet too. Please try Shinozaki Tofu for mineral supplementation that tends to be insufficient in daily life.


Ganmodoki is made by crushing tofu, mixing it with vegetables, then frying it in oil. It has been popular in Japan for a long time. It’s a very nutritious food that can be put in oden, boiled or baked in the same way as Atsuage(fried tofu). The Ganmodoki sold at Shinozaki Tofu Shop has a completely different quality than the ones at supermarkets and convenience stores! Please try the handmade rich tofu.

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  • 20's
    2022-07-30 23:56:06