Koujimachi・Hanzoumon・Nagatacho National Diet Building
- address1-7 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- tel03-5521-7445
- business_hour9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (guided tours start every hour on the hour. Last tour starts at 4:00 p.m.)
- access3-minute walk from Subway "Kokkai-gijidomae Sta."
URL | https://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/taiken/gijidou/1.html |
The Diet and the Central Hall are open for tours. The National Diet Building brings together the refined aspects of Japanese culture.
The National Diet Building is a 3-minute walk from Subway Kokkai-gijidomae Station. As the country’s sole legislative system, this is the hall where the proceedings of the Diet are held, such as enacting laws, deciding budgets, and appointing a Prime Minister.

The first Imperial Diet was opened in 1890 (Meiji 23). The first provisional building, where the first Diet meeting was held, burned down almost two months after it was constructed. The second provisional building was quickly built after that. Then, in 1920 (Taisho 9), WATANABE Fukuzo’s design for the new Diet building was chosen from open selections and construction soon began. However, construction of the new Diet building was halted due to the construction of the third provisional building after the second provisional building was also burned down. Seventeen years after the start of the construction, the new Diet building was completed in November 1936 (Showa 11).

The Diet is where legislative bills are deliberated and the Prime Minister’s policy speech is held. At the Diet’s opening ceremony, His Majesty the Emperor is greeted by members of the Diet. His Majesty the Emperor sits on a chair at the center-front of the Diet behind the Speaker’s seat. On the ceiling, there is a skylight with an arabesque pattern.
The Central Hall, an atrium that stretches from the second floor to the sixth floor, is located between the House of Councillors and the House of Representatives. The height from floor to ceiling is around 33 meters, which is the same height that could accommodate the five-storied pagoda of Horyu-ji Temple. In the hall, there are bronze statues of ITO Hirobumi, OKUMA Shigenobu, and ITAGAKI Taisuke that were built to honor their achievements in politics. There is one vacant pedestal upon which no statue is built. There are various theories as to why there is no statue, such as no fourth statue being decided and left for later or it was decided to include the hidden message that “Politics is never complete.”

The National Diet Building is also known as a leading spot for autumn leaves in Tokyo. A row of ginkgo trees, about 300 meters long, lines the front of the building and dyes the city yellow around mid-November. As many as 146 gingko trees are planted on this tree-lined avenue lovingly called the Golden Road.
The National Diet Building is not only the highest agency of state power, it is also a condensed version of Japanese tradition. We hope that you will visit the House of Councilors and see its beautiful decor up close and in person.